
It's a Cycle

I'm here, I'm gone.

I'm here. I'm gone.

There was a time in my life when my blog was my lifeline. I spent hours a week thinking up posts, responding to comments, sharing my heart a few times a week.

Not so much lately.

Funny things is, I probably have a lot more to say now than I ever did. See, I've been broken. Not broken like last year's Christmas toy, no longer able to work. More like broken like an egg--poured out, ready to be used.



Is it a real thing? Is a midlife crisis something you can put hands on? Wrap your mind around? Does it really exist?

I don't know, honestly.

But I can tell you something happened to me. Something catastrophic and cathartic. I began to question everything around me. And more than that, I became cynical about everything. That, as you can imagine, is not a very good recipe for positive things.

Will I be back to write more? I hope so. I've been lifted out of the pit, so to speak. The Lifter of my head also lifted my body from its state of despair.

More people need to hear about this. More Christians need to know about this. I am praying about being one of the messengers.

Til then...


Inge said...

Thank you for sharing, Deb! May the Lord surround you with His wisdom and unshakable peace. The times we have talked have been very encouraging to me spiritually. You have the gift of words, please continue to share your wisdom! : )

Anonymous said...

I am ready to hear as well…
I have had a rough year too!